, the value of $(BuildConfiguration)), unit tests won't be discovered. We were woefully configuring our mac agents manually.

In this post I’ll show how to use this feature in a build pipeline that builds a Docker image (call this build configuration Build Image) and then deploys it (call this build configuration Deploy. Once we’ve tested this script and prove it works we need to plumb it in to TeamCity.

2 mins Continuous Integration, TeamCity Recently I started automating crazy stuff on TeamCity. However, I also need this parameter set for the root project A. Remember to republish the artifacts downloaded in the Test build configuration and make Acceptance Test dependent on the last pinned build of Test: This page describes the parameters used in the Unified Agent's configuration. The trick is to separate the preparation from the execution. When this build is triggered with the debug configuration (i. The problem only occurred on development machines and not on TeamCity Build Agent. Wait, arenâ t we talking about build scripts? I donâ t do that day-to-day for my PowerShell scripts. Basically everything that we were doing manually needs to be now automated. After all, our command line project and script are called ‘Release’. If there are references that cannot be resolved, they are left as is and a warning will appear in the build log. The WiX build process should be completely compatible between building inside Visual Studio (with Votive) and building from the command line. Teamcity pass parameters between build configurations To publish HTML reports after build, go to build configuration settings.